Santee residents and property owners are invited to attend a public meeting at 7 p.m. April 2 to discuss a preliminary design for Via de Cristina Park. The meeting will be held at Building 8A at the City Hall Complex at 10601 Magnolia Avenue.
The park is proposed for a
half-acre parcel east of Fanita Drive adjacent to State Route 52. The property
is excess right-of-way that the city of Santee has leased from the State
Department of Transportation, (Caltrans).
The current vision calls for a
family friendly park that would include a playground structure and an
interactive bikeway where children could play.
The park would have a perimeter pathway , benches, a small shade
structure and drought-tolerant landscaping.
The project schedule calls for
construction to start in January 2016, followed by four months of construction.
The park would be open for public use in April 2016.
Questions about the project can
be directed to Terry Rodgers, Special Projects Coordinator, at (619) 258-4100
ext. 127 or trodgers@cityofsanteeca.gov