The installation of new light timers has doubled the number
of lighted courts the general public may use in the evening at Santana High
The original timer that controlled lighting for four courts has been replaced by two timers that light as many as eight courts. The new timers, which were bought
with city park improvement funds, allow each block of four courts to remain
lighted for one hour. The lights can only be activated from sunset to 10 p.m. A green strobe light tells players when the timer is close to turning off the lights. Players can extend play for an additional hour by pressing a demand switch
The city previously limited the number of
lighted courts to four to save on electricity costs. The original timers
caused the lights to remain on until 9 p.m. regardless of when they were activated, and the courts often remained lighted for hours after players had left.
“We anticipate the new timers will be more efficient and at
the same time allow the public greater opportunities to play tennis during peak
times,” said Recreation Services Manager Sue Richardson.
Santee’s Public Services crews also installed new light
bulbs and cleaned the lenses on 50 fixtures, which means the lights should
be brighter for tennis buffs.
The tennis courts at Santana High School are available after school hours to the general public through a joint use agreement with the
Grossmont Union School District.