It’s time for all of us to
go on the quarter-back water diet.
Whenever you take a shower or irrigate your landscaping, reduce your
previous water usage by a quarter—25 percent.
Water conservation is necessary because California and much of the
West has experienced four years of severe drought coupled with record high
temperatures. It’s going to get worse: Scientists this month recorded a
record-low winter snowpack in the Sierra Nevada.
Last week, these circumstanced prompted California Governor Jerry
Brown to announce the state’s first-ever
mandatory water restrictions.
Santee’s water supplier, Padre Dam Municipal Water
District, has positioned itself to deal with the crisis by moving forward on
its Advanced Water Purification Demonstration Project, which is scheduled to be
operating in 2016. The project may eventually provide
a new water supply for Padre Dam’s water customers and the entire East County
Residents and businesses shouldn’t wait for the state’s
new regulations to be finalized. Start
conserving now by: · Taking shorter showers. Even better, use a bucket to capture water while your shower warms up and use that water on your plants.
· Promptly fix leaks inside and outside your home. Also remember to wash only full loads of laundry and dishes.
· Turning off irrigation systems for as long as possible before rainstorms and up to several weeks after.
See more at: http://www.sdcwa.org/whenindrought#sthash.h3yzmdPH.dpuf