A state law enacted in 2002 prohibits smoking as well as dumping butts in playgrounds or tot lots.
The law makes it an infraction -- with a fine of $100 -- to smoke a cigarette, cigar, pipe or other tobacco-related product within the boundaries of a playground or a sandbox.
Smokers also risk a $100 fine if they toss a cigarette or cigar butt in a playground.
California Heath and Safety Code Section 104495 prohibits smoking within 25 feet of a playground, which is defined as:
"any park or recreational area specifically designed to be used by children that has play equipment installed, or any similar facility located on public or private school grounds, or on city, county, or state park grounds."
The no-smoking signs at Santee parks were furnished at no cost by the county. Funds to help with the installation were donated by Santee Solutions, a local advocacy group that supports a smoke-free and drug-free community.